Thread: Spiders
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Old 08-24-2009, 08:26 PM   #70
Head Coach
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Hometown of Canada
Originally Posted by Wolfpack View Post
Last night as I was closing up my garage a little bit after sunset, I was standing outside looking up at the sky and noticed a couple of bats flying around above me. Not unusual as I think they've got a spot somewhere in the trees behind my house that they live. It was then that I noticed a somewhat stationary dot probably about 25 feet up in between the dark shadows of a pair of trees next to the house. Sure enough, it was a spider, apparently setting up shop as it seemed to be moving back and forth rather nimbly. Couldn't tell what it was in the darkness, but it was a pretty big one considering I could see it rather easily from ground level and basically was trying to stitch a web between the upper branches of two trees several feet apart. I did manage to catch a little better view from my daughter's bedroom window on the second floor, which was still a little bit below the spider's position, but it had some long legs and a thick abdomen.

Just thought I'd share.

Better make sure that your daughter doesn't wander into the web!
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