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Old 08-23-2009, 07:06 PM   #85
Big Fo
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Jan 2005
"Now listen here you beautiful bitch, I'm about to fuck you up with some truth."

"Gold might get you tickets to the Jonas Brothers, Black will get all three of them sucking your dick."

"Okay you stoic little bastard, in the computer room, little second drawer where I keep my weed, underneath the handgun, there's a stack of porn that will put callouses on those little hands of yours."

Cassie - Her name is Rose, named after Ms. Kate Winslet in the movie 'Titanic'.
Kenny - Y'all named your daughter after fucking 'Titanic'?
Dustin - Cassie's favorite movie.
Kenny - Wow, you gotta be shittin' me.
[points to Dustin's son]
What's his name, fuckin' Shrek?

Principal Cutler - There's something you need to know, Kenny. You're not the only athlete here at Jeff Davis. I happen to be training for a Triathlon right now. Doin' a lot of running, and cycling, swimming. Well you know all about that.
Kenny - No actually I don't. I do SPORTS. Not try to be the best at exercising.

Can't wait for the second season.
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