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Old 07-20-2009, 08:20 AM   #14
I. J. Reilly
College Prospect
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: An Oregonian deep in the heart of Texas.
Originally Posted by Marc Vaughan View Post
Has always amused me that American sports have such a socialist backdrop to them ... ie. they act as a collective and avoid capitalist principles as much as possible, heck even the drafts are a way of sharing 'nicely' with other teams.

I've always wondered why people who are so anti-socialist principles in other areas - ie. healthcare for instance, accept it so readily in the sporting arena.

Also if the leagues do get accepted as a true single entity will people still really believe the teams are competing against each other rather than just putting on a WWF kind of show?

I assume you are using the major European soccer leagues as the alternative, where the free market in players is the rule, buy or sell anyone and the market determines the price. I don’t think that model would work well in a static league where there is only one trophy to play for. In soccer there are the domestic cups, there are the relegation battles and there are the European spots to try to qualify for. So while there are only a few teams in each league that are realistically playing for the league title (and it is no mystery who those teams will be even before the first game is played) virtually every team is playing for something late into the season.
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