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Old 08-17-2003, 03:56 AM   #25
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Back in Houston!
20.03: Training, Youth Pull, Conditions, Week In Review

Nuts. No luck on a bump from Storm or Tryggvesson. Form seems to have stabilized some more, tho Starks and Tryvkaj;fkljaskljf both dropped into areas of concern. Some of our other players are finally recovering.

Future Training
Our trainees desperately need some stamina, as was evidenced by that last game. However, our form it still too low to risk that and playmaking is the name of the game.

Starters: (+4) (-2)
Entire Team: (+4) (-5)

Starters Form
Solid (or above): Bush (exc) Phelan Meek Kimber
Passable: Miguel Connors Christiano
Inadequate: Viseslav Benito Solomon
Weak (or below): Starks

Starks goes near critical with a two level drop to weak. Hopefully that bounces back in a hurry. He's our best wing, by far, and we have no one capable of replacing him. Solomon and Miguel enter the lineup in place of the sold Houben and form slumping Schrader.

Starters: (+7) (-4)
Entire Team: (+10) (-5)

Value Highlights
Above $100K: 9(+2)/9(+2)
Above $200K: 5(+1)/5(+1)
Above $300K: 1(+1)/2(+1)
Team Leader: Tim Kimber ($500K)
Outfield Leader: Carlos Alberto Benito ($305K)
Milestones: Stephen Connors ($200K)

Both Little and Wellens were added this week and they are both above $100K. Connors gets a milestone. Benito slips back up above $300K but it's not a new milestone.

Team Stats
Total Wages: 30414 (-2120)
Total Value: 2798000 (-202000)
Avg Value: 139900 (+3536)
Avg Age: 22 (NC)
Avg Form: inadequate (NC)
Avg Experience: wretched (NC)
No of players: 20 (-2)
Nationalities: 11 (NC)

Youth Pull, Week 20.03
After three sellable guys in a row, Jose Javier Ruiz Tarriaz, failed to live up to his predecessors. It's good news, however, for the Hippos Memorial Piggly Wiggly (you know, I never figured out what it's a memorial of) as they just expanded their deli counter and it looks like Jose is the man to man the meat. Hmm... there's no way that last sentence can sound good in any light.

As for some previous business: I stalled a little and Soto, from 20.01, will be sold this week. Looks like last week's (Thomas Little) might be here to stay unless he bumps before Storm or Trygvesslsadhfkjahsfjkhaskjfdh, in which case, I have another decision to make.

Youth Pull Status
Youth Pulls: 31
Youth Pull Grocers: 22 (+1)
Youth Pulls Sold: 7 (+0)
Youth Pulls Still With Club: 2 (+0)
Total Sold for: 590000 (+0)

Youth Pull
José Javier Ruiz Tarríaz (15297951)
18 years, passable form, healthy
A sympathetic guy who is calm and honest.
Has disastrous experience and poor leadership abilities.
Speciality: Unpredictable
Nationality: USA
Assessed value: 12 000 US$
Wage: 560 US$/week

Stamina: inadequate Goaltending: disastrous
Playmaking: poor Passing: poor
Winger: poor Defending: inadequate
Scoring: poor Set Pieces: poor


Youth Squad: excellent (max)
Investment in the Youth squad: 20 000 US$ / week (NC)

Sponsors: high on life (NC)
Supporter Club: 1309 members (+20)
Supporters: delirious (NC)

Team Spirit: content (up a level from calm)
Confidence: decent (NC)

Out team spirit was up to satisfied for one brief shining moment after our botched PIC loss. But it went back down to content by the end of the week. I'm sure it will settle into calm before too long.

20.03 Week In Review

On the Field
Crappy. Crappy. Crappy. Crappy. Crappy. Ok, so not that bad of a week- maybe only 3 "Crappy"s. First, we throw away our reputation and go with a 4-5-1 against an opponent that has us outgunned. We hold our own against Chock but end up falling short 3-2 as we could never get the equalizer. Cristiano and Meeks score our two fixture goals just like in week 1. For our cup game, Daniel Storm comes back from his ejection last week to score twice and give the Hippos a 2-1 lead going into the half. However, Ravenwood City scores 4 unanswered goals and sends the Hippos home from the Cup much too early.

Off the Field
Still postponing that "offseason update" that I keep promising. However, this week, Houben was sold due to his crappy play and Solomon will resume his starting forward duties until our next home game. At that point, we should have $350K or more in the bank and then it's time to go shopping for a really nice forward. Our most recent youth pull was farmed out to the Piggly Wiggly.

Houston Hippopotami, III.3: 20th Anniversary Thread - All former HT players are encouraged to check it out!

Janos: "Only America could produce an imbecile of your caliber!"
Freakazoid: "That's because we make lots of things better than other people!"

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