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Old 07-07-2009, 04:09 PM   #16
College Starter
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Kansas
Originally Posted by molson View Post
Loved that one.

Is there anything out there like that today? I know the adventure genre basically died but I wonder if there's any niche games out there I missed.

Hell there wasn't anything like that out back then either. I can't think of another game like it and disappointed it did so poorly which I'm sure turned off anyone to trying it. I know it was expensive and Broderbund died right when it released I believe so there was no push or anything for it.

Would love to see something like it.

There are still some pretty decent Adventure games out there but much more indie and lower budget than in the LA/Sierra days for sure.

For a little dash of old school I have been playing Broken Sword on the DS which was just released a few months ago in a directors cut version and it is great. Really enjoying it.

Would love to see more of these games get DS or even Iphone/Touch treatment. Perfect devices for them.
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