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Old 07-01-2009, 06:25 PM   #5
Alan T
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Mass.
Well.. hrmm all kinds of possible reasons you might have a problem here.. I'll try to hit them all as I think of them...

Obviously the filters is the first place to look. You need a filter on every single device except your modem (do not have a filter on your modem). You need a filter on anything else connected, including phones, fax machines, Satellite dish receivers that may phone out via phone line, security systems, etc).

I assume you have a main splitter somewhere that splits off the connection with one line directly to your modem and the other to your internal phone wiring? If you don't that usually is how they should be done to avoid noise issues. If yours is done this way, you could possibly have a bad splitter there.

You could have faulty wiring coming in from the telco to cause this.. even though in that case I would assume the problem would continue while the phone is in use.

You could have an issue with signal interference with your phones if you have a modular or cordless phone system that runs on a frequency that interferes with the router. In that case though I would expect the problems with your wireless computers but not your wired ones. Unless it is causing the router directly issues.. but that seems less likely..

You could have a poor DSL connection period, where your Signal is so weak normally, the extra noise on the line just kills you.. for that you would likely need to connect in to the modem and look at your current values, or have help from the phone company.

You could have a faulty device on your phone lines, such as a phone or fax that is acting up somehow. To test this, you could unplug everything and then try to call your home line while connected (Nothing will be connected so nothing will ring), but see if your connection drops while it is attempting to ring. Try connecting just one phone and see if the problem occurs.. try a different phone (and unplug the first phone) and see if it occurs.

Not sure what else to suggest right now, I'm not really a telco guy, I deal more with the IP side, but that is what I would suggest for now.
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