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Old 07-01-2009, 04:13 PM   #8
Join Date: Oct 2000
Attic is unfinished (access is through a "door" in a closet, so it doesn't even have a pulldown). The tax info is a good idea and I'll check to see if that is easily available.

When my brother-in-law bought a house in North Carolina, the realtor's SqFt was off by several hundred from the appraisal and his realtor told him that the numbers had to be within 5% of the true number, or else they would face penalty. They didn't report her, as she became a lot more cooperative with their repair requests/demands after bringing it to her attention.

Anyway, I'm kind of having the JiMGa feelings going back and forth between thinking it isn't any of my business, but also curious to see if someone can successfully get away with listing a house that far from the truth and pricing it accordingly.
Are you reading In The Bleachers?
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