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Old 06-30-2009, 08:01 PM   #277
Suburban Rhythm
Pro Starter
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Pittsburgh
Originally Posted by TurnerONU22 View Post
I'd say its more of this. Tollefsen's is probably a 6/7th defensemen, but he's redundant on our roster (LH stay-at-home). He's a tough player, good at sticking up for his opponents, sound player around the net, but he's not a great skater and makes poor decisions with the puck when even slightly pressured. Biggest flaw is 'receiving the rush', he tends to come up and attempt to smash the winger against the boards, rather than staying in position.

While I'd love another hit on the backend besides Orpik, he sounds like he'd be more trouble than help.

Goligoski is going to get the green light to move up, so he'd be forced to sit back, and couldn't pinch on the boards being the last man back.

We don't have a net clearing guy, even with Scuderi and Gill. They are more of the tie-up sticks type. The guy the Pens get to fill Scuderi's spot (i've accepted he's gone) will have to be able to play the PK. Hoping Shero's Nashville connections come through and they get the next Rob Scuderi in Greg Zanon for abou 1/2 the price of Scuds.
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