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Old 06-25-2009, 04:36 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by Schmidty View Post
1. Any documentary directed by Werner Herzog (Documentary)

You might even be able to go so far as to include documentaries ABOUT Warner Herzog, as Burden of Dreams is freaking awesome as well.

..on that topic, I just watched Encounters at the End of the World recently, and loved it, primarily because it was 80% interesting doc, and 20% Herzog going off the rails. It must've been shot right after the March of the Penguins hype, as he kept talking about Penguins contemptuously, and at the start of the film made sure to note that he wasn't going to talk about, or to, any gotdamn penguins......but of course, he does. Only, his interest in Penguins has become somewhat skewed, and all of his questions seem to revolve around the question "can penguins GO INSANE???". Sometime later they even manage to stumble upon an insane penguin...according to Herzog.

This being a doc about Antartica, you would expect to include at least some commentary on global warming, and the like, and Herzog does manage to slip some of that in...only, his concerns are again a little skewed, he doesn't bother talking about what we need to do to change, or any of that crap, he just posits that humans will eventually become extinct, regardless of our best actions and efforts, and one day aliens will come to our planet and their archeologists dig up our relics and wonder just what the hell we were and what we were doing here. Classic Herzog.
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