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Old 06-25-2009, 02:54 PM   #22
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Behind Enemy Lines in Athens, GA
If I get the concept of the thread right, we're posting some personal favorites by genre and then watching to see if some of those end up being pretty much universally liked by the FOFC. And I say pretty much, because I can't imagine we'd ever find something that didn't get at least one naysayer. I'll use me never being able to work up any desire to even watch Saving Private Ryan as an example of how there'll always be at least one in every crowd.

Of those listed so far, I can definitely stand as a "not universal" on Anchorman, Dumb & Dumber, and ... Mary, which is interesting since that's the bulk of the comedy category. I wonder if comedy might be the most subjective category of all & prove to be the toughest to find a supermajority on?

It might be contrary to what you might expect from me, but I can't knock Shawshank off the list even given my (easily anticipated) feelings about Tim Robbins. The movie was extremely well done IMO, no matter what I think of the guy. Didn't intentionally see it but got sucked into it on cable years back & have to give credit where it's due.

Interesting to me at least to note that you went with The Incredibles for animation & that was my first thought too. Wall-E wouldn't have crossed my mind immediately but is a very legit contender I think.

As for the original concept of the thread (or what I think it was) I wonder how best to deal with people who simply don't like virtually anything in a particular genre, such as me with what I'll politely call "modern comedy"? Do we have to disqualify anyone who hasn't seen a movie? Or all of a movie? Or is ten minutes before deciding "this isn't for me" plenty for our purposes? What about being "meh" instead of actively liking or disliking? If I'm meh but a movie didn't cause me to ponder poking my eyes out with a sharp stick, am I just neutral and neither consensus forming or blocking?

Anyway, I'll throw a couple of titles out there and open up a category as well.

White Men Can't Jump
- Dramedy(?)
Die Hard - Action
Sunset Boulevard - Classic / B&W
"I lit another cigarette. Unless I specifically inform you to the contrary, I am always lighting another cigarette." - from a novel by Martin Amis

Last edited by JonInMiddleGA : 06-25-2009 at 02:55 PM.
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