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Old 06-24-2009, 02:57 PM   #10
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Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: North Carolina
Originally Posted by RomaGoth View Post
I hope this stands up in court, but I am sure some doucebag defense lawyer will drag this shit out for years, spending tax dollars that could be better used elsewhere.

On a lighter note, fuck you Terry Nichols.

I doubt that he will get a lawyer. You have no Constitutional right to a lawyer in a civil suit to complain about prison conditions. And, since I am 99% sure that his suit has no merit, he won't get anyone to take the case in anticipation of a contingency fee.

Which leaves someone taking it on pro-bono. I guess that I could see someone doing it for the publicity, but I don't think so. I think that Nichols is one of the few people who is so universally disliked that the negative press you get from helping him would offset the fact that you were in the press at all.

Also, because lots and lots of prisoners complain about their conditions, the law has actually managed to streamline those types of cases to a pretty significant degree.
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