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Old 06-23-2009, 11:11 AM   #40
Gary Gorski
Wolverine Studios
Join Date: Oct 2003
Originally Posted by SteveMax58 View Post

I tried to imagine how my wife and I would handle that situation ourselves...and it's hard for me to be judgmental of Kate's MB attitude due to the amount of constant chores, tasks, etc. required of her. She gets a slight pass in my book and I suspect you dont see all of this mundane stuff she does's mundane and boring to watch.

I'm going to go out on a limb but I'd be willing to bet that Kate does fewer "chores" than one would think. I know she was very adament in pointing out that Jon has "help" while she's out touring the country promoting her book. I can't imagine that help goes away when she comes home. In fact I wouldn't be surprised at all if TLC staffers do most of the work - as it was when they had the birthday party all she did was boss around her friends (and TLC production crew guys since Jon wasn't there to be bossed around) to set everything up.

I think at the beginning they really did have to do all the mundane things themselves (you know, like have a job) and that's what made the show concept interesting but once the show took off and Jon and Kate became stars I'm pretty sure all that went out the window.
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