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Old 06-23-2009, 09:55 AM   #32
College Starter
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Little Rock, AR
I used to love the show and watched it religiously, but I started to hate Kate and it made me not want to watch the show. But last season Kate made Jon quit his IT job so that she could tour the country promoting her book and talking at churches.

She went to my aunt's church in Houston, TX to talk about having God in your life and making time for God, even with 8 kids, and my aunt saids she spoke brilliantly and was very nice and sociable. But at the end she pushed her book hard and seemed very upset when only a handful of people bought it.

As a wife I would never make my husband quit his job to be a stay at home dad so that I could be more successful. That is just selfish and bitchy. But as the man of the house he should have stood up to her and put his foot down, but after seein the way he is around Kate, I dont believe he knows how to stand up to her.
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