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Old 06-23-2009, 09:46 AM   #30
Mizzou B-ball fan
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Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Kansas City, MO
Originally Posted by SteveMax58 View Post
I tried to imagine how my wife and I would handle that situation ourselves...and it's hard for me to be judgmental of Kate's MB attitude due to the amount of constant chores, tasks, etc. required of her. She gets a slight pass in my book and I suspect you dont see all of this mundane stuff she does's mundane and boring to watch.

John seems like a basically decent guy(albeit slightly immature)...but burned out on Kate's methods of management (due to his own lack of management initiative). Bad situation altogether, and I agree that now is the time they should be putting the show on hold until they get back to being a family (whatever shape that may take).

This is a great example of why divorce is so prevelant nowdays. There's nothing wrong with feeling frustrated due to workload or being immature. There IS something wrong with having those kinds of issue and failing to get counseling help to deal with those issues. It was evidently more important for these two to fight and fail to listen than to realize they were having severe communication issues and to get help for the sake of their family unit.
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