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Old 06-22-2009, 04:29 PM   #37
Head Coach
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Bath, ME
Originally Posted by Noop View Post
Most singers do not write their own music and if they do its usually one or two songs. Off the topic of my head the only great female artist I can think of is Alicia Keys and even then she works in tandem with another person to make her music.

I try to listen to everything but I do admit I am not well versed in every genre. Being able sing something is a nice skill but without the words would it matter? I say no.

Also isn't being great subjective?

Do you mean that most "female singers" don't write their own music? Because otherwise you seem to be disagreeing with your point.

Yes, being great is certainly hard to define, which is why we can't really get too far in this discussion. But in my mind clearly there is an art form called singing, just as a musician can be a great artist, a writer, a painter. Is Jessye Norman not a great artist because she didn't write her music? Are there no great opera singers then, or singers of jazz standards? Billie Holiday, Etta James, Lena Horne?

But beyond that, again, I can think of plenty of females who write their own work:

Ani DiFranco
Carole King
Joni Mitchell
Patti SMith
Tracy Chapman
Sinead O'Connor

That's just a few off the top of my head, and obviously not a very diverse bunch. People who know a lot about jazz, R&B, etc, could add a ton to the list.
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