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Old 06-22-2009, 03:07 PM   #28
Head Coach
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Bath, ME
Originally Posted by AENeuman View Post
This is what i was getting at. So, to you, the environment is the reason. All things being equal there would just as many greats on both sides?

I'm not too sure about this. There have been lots of men who created more while coming out of less than equal environments.

How many artistic areas are women superior in their category? Is this because of the sexism in our society? seems to me for every joan baez there is a better dylan.

I think until environmental sexism is dealt with it's meaningless to have the discussion, basically. To me the institutional sexism and its effects still dwarf anything that might be more intrinsic to gender differences. I don't think we're qualified to have this discussion until we've lived in a culture that treated female artists and scientists and politicians and so on equally.

Basically we were all raised in a culture that in many ways teaches us to think of females as inferior, so how can we have a lucid discussion about this subject? It will probably be up to our children.
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