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Old 08-13-2003, 11:13 PM   #31
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Cincinnati, OH
"Just when I think I'm out, they pull me back in!"

I just don't understand my team at all.

We invited a little club over from the land of the evil Sverigians. A little VI club, just to get some practice.

I played my entire 'B' squad, save one wing who played out of position at wing back. A completely different, and largely sub-standard set of players I put on the field. The midfield featured 2 inadequate PM's, and Hoffman, the star of the team who can't stay sober long enough to get his form over poor.

Well la de da. My scrubs put up my teams first _EVER_ Solid midfield! Hail and damnation! What are they trying to do to me! Not ever, not in my MOTS matches, not in my high TS games, have I ever put up a Solid before! Only 3 times have I ever put up even a passable, all 3 times with my 'A' club! Then here come my scrubs, in off form, just throwing up a Solid like it's par for them.

I just don't get my team.

In other news:

We were stunned to actually gain 2 supporters after our loss to the "Calf Wall".

The economic error that had been a small boon for us was corrected, returning us back to a large debt.

The addition, bringing the stadium to a full 29,000 should be completed on the 14th, in time for our home game against Fockers.

We received our 4th injury of the season in our friendly. We're desperately trying to keep it at least one per week, just to keep those 8 physios looking as ridiculous as possible.
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