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Old 06-12-2009, 06:09 AM   #387
General Manager
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Chicago, IL
So today I was bored and downloaded a ton of video game trailers. Maybe I'm just a sucker for a trailer, but it looks like a lot of potentially great games are on the horizon.

Assassin's Creed 2 - Wasn't a huge fan of 1 but did find it different. They put so much detail into the environments that it's worth seeing it for that alone. This one appears to take place in Venice in the late 1400's and the trailer is really catchy.

BioShock 2 - If it's anything close to what BioShock was, I'll love it. Seems they are picking up 8 years from the previous one and you are a Big Daddy.

Alan Wake - Doesn't come out till 2010 but the trailer was interesting. I'm getting sick of the same ole first person shooters and this one seems to be a little different.

COD: Modern Warfare 2 - Loved the first and can't imagine the 2nd would disappoint.

Battlefield 1943 - Basically the old Battlefield upgraded with the Frostbite engine. At something like $15 and downloadable, not sure how any Battlefield fans could pass it up.

Battlefield Bad Company 2 - The first is one of my favorite games and one I still play online.

Ghostbusters - Will probably suck but I'm a sucker for the movie and can't pass up the game.

Castlevania - Trailer looked amazing and they seem to have a nice budget to hire some big name voice actors (Patrick Stewart is one). Says 2010 unfortunately.

Prototype - Waiting to finish Infamous first but that looks fun.

Probably missing a few but it's just a lot of good games coming out in the coming year. Seems game makers have really figured out how to program and get the most out of these systems.

Last edited by RainMaker : 06-12-2009 at 06:10 AM.
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