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Old 06-11-2009, 11:41 AM   #74
College Starter
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Federal Way, WA
Does anyone remember Mutant League Football? That had players with names similar to their NFL counterparts, like Bones Jackson for Bo Jackson. And, oh my goodness, Bones Jackson is just as good in certain running areas as Bo Jackson was! (Except Bones Jackson had even more fragile "bones," and he was allowed to kill the referee.)

I really think too many are overestimating the merits of this suit. There is no individual stored likeness in NCAA football games. Just like the characters in Mutant League Football were caricatures of real life players, but not illegal because they weren't being passed as real likenesses, so are the players in NCAA football. There are no specific likenesses stored on the game disc, nor are any specific likenesses displayed on the game. Similar or correct height and weight numbers and player equipment with generic game faces and no real names is not enough to say that EA is using real likenesses.

I think EA knows this and that is why they aren't afraid to keep doing what they've been doing with the rosters.

Last edited by Tigercat : 06-11-2009 at 11:42 AM.
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