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Old 06-10-2009, 09:22 PM   #381
College Starter
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Kansas
Yeah, the negative feedback I heard on Prototype pushed me towards picking up Red Faction instead today and I'm very glad I did now after several hours. I think Red Faction is a much better game than Infamous which was fun but overall a letdown imo. Sounds like Prototype is in the same ballpark.

Between Saint's Row and Red Faction, I'm really impressed with Volition. (Not to mention Freespace obviously, but doubt there's many people left from that) They really get the FUN aspect of these open world games.

Red Faction is bringing back some of the joy I got from the early GTA games that has been removed. That is setting up areas before a mission. I can set up blockades with tanks placed around. I can setup explosives on certain key structures to explode when they come through. There's just a whole lot of freedom that isn't available in games like Infamous or I'm assuming Prototype. Had some good ambush missions where I got to specifically see the route and pick the ambush spot I thought looked bust. Great stuff.

Highly recommend it. If you liked Mercenaries or to a lesser extent Saint's Row I think you'll love this. Feels a lot like Tribes 2 also for a little nostalgia.
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