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Old 06-10-2009, 07:08 PM   #375
College Starter
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Kansas
Far Cry 2 is a really nice looking game and a blast for a while, but I didn't last long with it. The main turnoff for me is my absolute hatred of respawning, and there's tons of this in here. I felt like I was constantly fighting the same battle over and over.

It's definitely the least 'open' of the open-world style of games. It's a shooter with extremely large levels.

Today I took advantage of the Buy 2 Get 1 Free deal for PS3 games at Target and picked up Tiger Woods 10, Red Faction: Guerilla, and another copy of UFC Undisputed to give to a friend so we can play online.

Have we not talked about Red Faction yet? I've only played about an hour or so but it's a complete blast. It's basically an open-world physics toy almost. It has a very in depth physics engines and almost completely destructible terrain/buildings. Lots of bombs also. It's like a more refined version of Mercenaries. I imagine I'll be putting a lot of time into it. Highly recommend it.

Haven't started up TW10 yet.
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