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Old 06-03-2009, 07:25 AM   #348
Mizzou B-ball fan
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Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Kansas City, MO
Originally Posted by SackAttack View Post
Yeah, and I remember them talking about GT PSP years ago. What, 2004? Okay, yay, they're talking about it again. My policy moving forward with Polyphony Digital is talk to me when they've got something ready to ship. If they're ready to ship soon, then that belonged in the show. If it's just a 'hey, hey, lookitus!' reminder, then...meh.

Case in point: GT5. It's been in development for how many years, and now they're adding WRC and NASCAR to the mix? That thing is never coming out.

You just now decided to wait on getting excited for GT releases when they've actually released?

I've hated the NASCAR console releases up until now and I'm VERY excited that we're going to get a good sim version of that sport.

Originally Posted by SackAttack View Post
Wonder how long it'll stay an exclusive, though? FFXI didn't, and XIII broke its exclusivity before it ever got released. At least, in the US.

Time frame to release is pretty short here (just over a year). Given how important this release would be for the other two regions, I'm sure Sony is ready to even buck up if needed to keep this exclusive.

Originally Posted by SackAttack View Post
I'm also curious, if FF XIII has taken 3 or 4 years to get within nine months of release, how long have they been working on XIV that they're announcing it for 2010? Is this FF XIII Versus renamed? Did they scrap that project and use some of the same assets? Or is this going to be another game that takes four or five years to reach the market?

I'm almost positive that we saw a leak concerning hiring for a Square MMO two years ago. There's been rumors of a dual development team for some time. But I'm sure that the engine is similar, so they're able to cross-develop in that regard.

Originally Posted by SackAttack View Post
Agreed. Sigh, 2010.

Looks like LittleBIGPlanet for racing fans. Should be very cool.

Sigh, 2010.

I'll assume that Sony doesn't have any clue how to plan things at this point, so we'll discuss the 2010 releases under that assumption. IF the PS3 does get the anticipated $100 price cut in the fall, there's no real incentive to push many of the big titles into the holiday season. The console will sell on price alone. Spring 2010 appears to have several very good titles on the way, which could lengthen the sales spurt on the heels of the price drop. Yeah, it's Sony we're talking about here, but having those titles in the Spring probably is better than having them in the holiday season where their impact would be minimal.

Originally Posted by SackAttack View Post
Is it sad that the first few people that brought that up to me in AIM discussion used the words 'penis,' 'dildo' and 'dong' to describe it? Far as precision goes, it looks pretty close to me to the Wii remote with MotionPlus attached, but not needing the attachment to get that does put it ahead of the curve. I just wonder how much support it's going to get in this generation.

Nintendo's success with Wii peripherals runs significantly counter to conventional wisdom, which is: "If you provide more plastic crap for parents to buy, unless you have a strong library of excellent games which support it, they will not buy it."

Look at really any peripheral from the Atari era through, say, 3/4 of the PS2 lifecycle. Wasn't until Guitar Hero caught it big (and then later the Wii and its various gizmos) that we've seen anything run counter to the CW.

Software is obviously key. Sony has shown a willingness to bundle things like the BT headsets with a game. They can do something similar with the motion controllers, but they need to make sure that it's an excellent game that shows off the capabilities well, much like Wii Sports did.

Originally Posted by SackAttack View Post
I'm curious how matchmaking is going to work for that. It can be excruciating trying to get a full game with other shooters with significantly fewer players. If they can pull it off, it could be damn cool.

I love playing Warhawk because I can always get a full 32 player game very quickly, even to this day. I agree with everything you say here. I'm skeptical of how it will work.

I didn't even mention The Last Guardian and Heavy Rain, both which look like games that are right up my alley and really push the specs of the machine.

Last edited by Mizzou B-ball fan : 06-03-2009 at 07:29 AM.
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