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Old 05-25-2009, 08:00 PM   #283
College Prospect
Join Date: Apr 2003
I just went on a comic / graphic novel splurge and have started reading some things I've wanted to that were recommended here or by some friends. The idea was to try the first issues out of a few things to find something I like. I've read them in the following order so far:

Walking Dead - I've just read the first issue of the TP. Very good and I will be continuing, but the store near me doesn't have the second so I need ot look elsewhere.

I am legend - Loved this one. I had never seen the movie or read the book.

Y The last man - I have one more chapter in the third TP and am pretty well hooked on it. Again, the store didn't have the fourth TP, so I need to go find it.

I still have left to read:

Watchmen (next)
Naeil Gaiman's The Sandman (I am a fan of Gaiman, but for some reason wasn't as excited to get into this as much as the two above.)

All in all these have been great and I'm glad I dove in. I'm sure I'm experiencing the top echelon of quality here, but it's an underrated and misunderstood medium by the masses.
"All I know is that smart women are hot. Susan Polgar beat me in 24 moves in a simultaneous exhbition. I slept with the scoresheet under my pillow."
Off some dude's web site.

Last edited by mrsimperless : 05-25-2009 at 08:01 PM.
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