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Old 05-21-2009, 12:31 AM   #389
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Location: Phoenix, AZ
Originally Posted by molson View Post
I missed where I said they this was a "part of their job", or that anyone thought it was "a part of their job".

No, they're clearly not the best of the best. There's probably some cops who could have calmly went up to him and secured the scene, etc. I just personally don't fault them for bashing that punk's head in. I was sorry to read that he's OK (though serving 20 years jail). He'll be out someday, and he'll probably kill someone.

The behavior displayed by these cops wouldn't impact you as long as you don't try to murder them. I imagine people in any profession would react somewhat negatively to someone if they tried to kill them. It wasn't exactly proper procedure. But the original "bad cop" that started this thread was a billion times worse than these guys, because that one had a negative impact on regular people.

I can see how my last comment might be taken as an insult to cops. But it's true. It's a tough jobs and in any job, "mistakes" will be made. Cops' mistakes are magnified because they're dealing with so many high stakes situations and intense scrutiny. And the other human beings waiting in the wings ain't perfect either, unfortunately.

It's an insult because you are projecting your own somewhat sociopathic code of morality

If someone tried to kill me with their car I'd definitely try to bash their skull in if I had the chance (at least if that chance occurred seconds after they tried to murder me).

onto a vast number of people you know nothing about. You stated also

Maybe there's a human on earth that wouldn't have, but good luck finding 750,000 of them to risk their lives to be police officers.

theres only one guy on the planet, maybe, who wouldn't assault an unconscious man who led him on a high speed chase which means they may not be cream of the crop but they're at worse second best since clearly we can only find one guy, maybe, that doesn't take pleasure in beating the helpless. Funny, most chases though don't end this way so that one guy must either be making a hell of a lot of chases or the number of people as violently oriented as you seem to be are a lot lower than you are counting.

I imagine people in any profession would react somewhat negatively to someone if they tried to kill them.
Yes, and if they acted on it by wailing on a helpless guy they'd get put in jail not fired and it's possible it still might happen to these guys. Of course, had they played by the rules they're ostensibly paid to uphold, they wouldn't be in this mess.
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