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Old 05-19-2009, 11:40 PM   #63
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Sydney, Australia
Originally Posted by Logan View Post
Part of Simmons' point was that you keep giving these teams high picks, and they still end up in the same slots a few years down the road anyway. It's rewarding continued failure.

I think any teams that end up in the lottery for the 3rd year in a row should automatically be given the highest spots outside of the lottery. If three teams all qualify, they get the 14th-16th picks and the three worst playoff teams move up, and everyone else moves up as well.

That comes down to bad GM'ing. Unless the draft has a LeBron James or slightly lesser talent in it, you just aren't going to rebuild through the draft. The wise teams are the ones that use their draft picks to acquire players, outside of the draftees if need be, who will help them win right now.
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