Thread: Ask the CEO!
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Old 05-11-2009, 03:47 PM   #29
College Prospect
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: High and outside
Originally Posted by Mustang View Post
Our internal website has a 'Ask the CEO' section where you can ask the President of the Company questions.. Sometimes, I just can't believe the amount of crap people worry about. Dilbert will never run out of material...

My question is related to the health classes that have been offered to the Metavante employees at no charge. Sue Emlin's yoga classes were overlooked which would round out the variety of exercise offered. Could Metavante look into bringing Sue's classes into the fold of "no charge" classes that the employee could partake in? This would make about 12-15 employees already participating in yoga very happy! Thanks for your time!

I've noticed that we recently changed our customer presentation rooms to be named after the Great Lakes. I'm not opposed to having names for our conference rooms, but for a company that is trying to establish a national presence, we continue to behave like Wisconsin is the center of the universe. What message does it send, not only to our clients, but to our employees who are spread all over the nation and the world? We aren't a little Milwaukee company, or even a regional company, anymore. The customer experience center should provide the Metavante Experience, not the Wisconsin Experience. As an "outlander", I may particularly sensitive to this, but we should also remember that most of our clients are "outlanders", too. We can show them courtesy and respect by acknowledging that the real world extends beyond M&I's horizon. Maybe we it would be more appropriate to name our rooms after *national* geographic features, one of which could be the Great Lakes.

Allow me to throw out a couple of suggestions to alleviate the serious parking situation we are having here at BDOC. First I think that we need to eliminate all "one hour employee" parking spots. Preference should be given to BDOC employees, not employees from other buildings who may have to come here for a meeting. Secondly, I think that we may need to look at reserved spaces for all first shift BDOC employees based on an algorithm that calculates where in the building you work, years of service, and grade level. As always, thank you for listening.

Hi Frank! Recently I've noticed a lot of football tickets for sale on the Post It section of inSite. Oftentimes the asking price is higher than the retail price. What are your thoughts about scalping tickets on the employee site? Even though it's a generally accepted practice, and oftentimes expected, I feel that publishing those sales on the Post It section is encouraging unethical behavior

Does Metavante have a contingency plan in the event of a bird flu pandemic? If so, what are some of the details of the plan?

When using food as a special treat, can healthier choice be made available? . My question is that when using food as a special treat; can more healthy choices be made available? The cream puffs on Monday were full of fat and sugar, and the ice cream social was a fat and high cholesterol nightmare. Can we offer fresh fruit, whole grain granola bars, frozen yogurt, and/or vegetable platters as healthy substitutes?

"First, I want to thank all those who put the time in to ask questions. Your effort here has been noted. And I mean that.

Great questions. Sue, I appreciate you asking whether the company would like to subsidize the yoga class you run. Answer: Hell no.

The easy-to-remember conference room names have just been changed to a more politically correct and confusing alphanumeric system. Thank you, Employee #A126B19.

With regard to the parking situation, park and walk -- and quit crying about it -- and maybe join Sue's yoga class, chubby.

Good catch on the football tickets. How about $225 for the pair, then?

Metavante is very concerned about our employee's health and we certainly do have a contingency plan in the event of a bird flu pandemic. You should see "Bring Out Your Dead" carts patrolling every isle by Monday (assuming our cart-pullers survive).

Lastly, great question about healthy choices of snacks as a special treat. Many of you know that I'm a huge proponent of punishing people and calling it a reward (witness the extra critque and assignments any time you present to management) but even *I* don't have the balls to do this. Perhaps when they invent a thicker bulletproof vest.

So, keep them questions least until we've identified all the people who have all this extra time to ask these type of questions.

Thank you,
CEO Murphy"
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