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Old 08-08-2003, 11:06 AM   #48
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Chicago
Week 2 Training Results

We saw no one show any marked improvement in their winger abilities, but are hoping to see strides from wingback Arlen “Headcase” Lucas soon.

We did, however, have two players improve in their experience ratings. Reserve team captain Johannes Henriksson and starting winger Valentin Rubio both improved to weak (4) experience.

Form Changes

4 players improved in form this week, including two starters:
-Midfielder #6 Charlie Bautista: passable (6)
-Winger #16 Reg Nichols: solid (7) (this kid just gets better and better)

16 players saw their form remain the same this week.

3 players dropped a level in form this week, including only one starter:
-Winger #9 Valentin Rubio: inadequate (5)

At least one of our midfielders, Charlie Bautista, showed some improvement this week, which is nice to see. Oh, and have I mentioned lately how much I like this kid Reg Nichols?

In The Zone

Again, we have no players displaying excellent (8) form at the moment, but the list of players in solid (7) form is now up to eight:

-Forward #14 German Galvez
-Forward #11 Johannes Henriksson (reserve)
-Wingback #17 Mattias Leier (reserve)
-Wingback #5 Arlen “Headcase” Lucas
-Winger #16 Reg Nichols
-Super-Sub #25 Paul Peralta (reserve)
-Keeper #13 Darryl Read (reserve)
-Wingback #22 Tyler Willard (injured)

Form Dog

Only one player earns the dubious title of “form dog” this week; reserve striker Forrest “Gump” Tobias has dropped to poor (3) form. Unless Gump shows some remarkable improvement soon, he has probably seen the pitch for the last time as a Seaman.

Player Values

Average Player Value: $171,609 (-$2,521)
Total Player Value (23 players): $3,947,000 (-$58,000)

Note: These numbers are skewed, due to the injury to Tyler Willard. Tyler’s value dropped from $365,000 to $215,000 due to the injury.

No assessed value milestones were reached this week.

Other News

This week’s youth squad promotee, Scott Windham, has been shipped off to Switzerland, where he will play for 4th division side Seven/Eleven. His sale brought in $16,560 to the club’s coffers.

And on the lighter side of the news, does anyone here remember Max Dodge? Well, it seems that Max is still bouncing around the league, as he was sold earlier this week to Theako’s Warriors, a 5th-division English side. Max is still displaying lousy form, naturally.

Up Next: Our weekly youth squad promotion and financial update. After that, we host the current series leaders, Neon Genesis Evangelion. Stay tuned!
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