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Old 04-30-2009, 11:23 PM   #379
General Manager
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Chicago, IL
Just got back from the Bulls game. My thoughts:

- I didn't see what happened with Rondo and Hinrich. I saw Hinrich get up and go after him but didn't see what happened before. They would not show the replay on the jumbotron either. I have yet to even see a highlight of it.

- I thought the officiating was brutal. On the last play it looked like Hinrich fouled Rondo on the ground during the loose ball scuffle. The refs refused to call a 6th foul on Pierce for awhile. He was literally allowed to do whatever he wanted to. There was zero consistency in the game. For awhile they'd let the teams just hammer each other and then they'd start calling ticky-tack fouls.

- I don't know how it came across on TV but that place was jumping. The loudest I've ever heard the United Center in person (had season tix for about 5 years). Probably the best game I've ever been to and the most fun I've ever had at a game.

- Ray Allen was a God. I actually thought the defense on him was pretty good at the end and he still drained everything.

- Rose had some bad turnovers and really needs to work on that moving forward.

- Vinny Del Negro is a horrible coach. Coming out of timeouts they don't run anything. I didn't understand keeping Miller in on defense late when you have a shot blocker like Thomas available (who is a better rebounder and quicker).
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