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Old 04-29-2009, 01:47 PM   #222
Head Coach
Join Date: Jul 2001
I don't watch a lot of NBA basketball, but I'm still amazed that we're talking about this foul instead of how a team as terribly coached as Chicago is a playoff team. Seriously, my impressions from the game yesterday:

1. Rose is far and away the best player Chicago has.

2. In every clutch situation, giving the ball to a guy who is 5-18, who is going to shoot no matter how bad the shot he has available to him, is lunacy. Seriously, that bailout foul on the 3 pointer by Gordon late in the game... he should be pulled from the game for being moronic enough to even consider putting up that shot. The final play before OT... they clearout for Gordon, he waits until there's 5 seconds on the clock to even get within 30 feet of the basket, and takes a ridiculous fadeaway over a defender from 22 feet out. There's no thought of going 2 seconds earlier for the chance at a tipin? No consideration to passing the ball to an open man?

3. Taking 1 and 2 into consideration, why the hell are you going to your ice cold terrible decision maker of a SG. Give the ball to Rose. He drives, dishes if his drive causes enough chaos that someone gets open, takes a shot if its there, draws contact if he can. You crowd the middle allowing the chance for a tip-in off a miss.

4. When Paul Pierce hits open 15-18 footers every single trip down the court without breaking a sweat, with no effort or intent of doing anything different until stopped, how many times does Chicago allow this to happen before putting someone else in the game? Or putting a different defender on Pierce? Or making any kind of move *at all* to prevent this from happening?

Admittedly I don't watch enough of the NBA to know all the players anymore, but Rose/Rondo and the closeness of this series got me interested in watching a bit, and Chicago was just a complete embarrassment down the stretch and in the entirety of overtime.

am I missing something?

Last edited by Radii : 04-29-2009 at 01:48 PM.
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