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Old 04-29-2009, 12:44 PM   #211
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Chicago, Ill
First off, I am obviously biased in thinking it was a flagarant, getting that out of the way...

FOFC is just about the only place I have found where people don't think that was a flagarant foul on Rondo. ESPN's been talking about it all morning and I have not found one sports website who also is not calling that flagarant.

If that play were in Chicago or even earlier in the game, there is no doubt a flagarant would have been called so why do the circumstances change? If the roles were reversed and it was Brad Miller who swatted Rondo's head, is there any doubt what the outcome would have been?

Its arguable that he was going for the ball but when you hit a guy across the face like that, hard enough for his tooth to literally come out, that is more than a personal foul.

PS - And no I didn't get a handjob either, which may add to my grumpiness, but regardless I'm giving her a chance to redeem herself tomorrow at the United Center. Go Bulls.
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