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Old 04-28-2009, 09:40 PM   #438
Join Date: Nov 2003
Logan - I counted at least 5 calls (mostly interference) that the Rangers got jobbed on in the last period. Of course 2 were on Avery and we all know he's never going to get those calls, but still with the one that was called on Girardi, I think you have every reason to be aggrieved about the refereeing in that period. The Caps weren't even subtle about hitting the Rangers at the blue line without the puck anywhere in sight.

Neutral observer, not trying to pick a fight. Just the way I saw it.

Oh and Perry's elbow was nowhere near as bad as Brashear's. There wasn't the vicious uppercut motion, it was just a badly timed attempt at a hit. I could live with a game, anything more would be really harsh. Now I feel like a whore because I'm always the one suggesting that the NHL shouldn't treat players differently because of who they are - but I really don't think the Perry elbow was that bad.
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