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Old 04-19-2009, 08:54 AM   #29
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Tampa, FL
Originally Posted by Edward64 View Post
Just another article today on the "new new norm". Even though no one wants to declare victory yet (guess it depends on how you define it), I think we are well on our way.

NYT: Baghdad secure enough to sin again - The New York Times-

I really think that due to the unorthodox method of this war, it will end very similiarly to the Cold War. History will pin-point the exact time and place that the war ended, but the general public will never have a good bead on it as the victory unfolds.

With the cold war, they say it was when east and west Berlin tore down the wall, while I remember that event (as it took place) was remarkably significant, we really only knew that things were looking good, we didn't know if the Soviet Union was going to reinvent itself to continue to be the primary enemy in a 2-Super Power role or if it was the beginning of the end for mainstream communism and subsequently "V-Day" of the Cold War.

Similiarly, as of right now, I think "the surge" will be that point for historical reference, but there is still relevant pieces to be played out to ensure that assessment is correct.
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