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Old 04-18-2009, 05:19 PM   #59
Pro Starter
Join Date: Jul 2007
The Pistons are just mediocre nowadays. Still not bad in most areas, still pretty balanced but all that on a lower level. If they had a definite strength they could surprise at times, the way it is they just are irrelevant sadly I mean, they shot 47%, had only 7 TOs, were there in terms of rebounding and their bench did fine. And results in a 18 point loss, Lebron going for 38/8/7 on 20 shots with zero Turns and the Cavs as a team shooting 53% and turning it over just 4 times.
I really canīt see Cleveland coming close to loosing a game, even at Detroit. Then again, if memory serves me right, the Pistons have a history of starting really crappy and then turn it arround in seriesī .

The Celtics-Bulls game was highly entertaining. Not especially well played, but definitely entertaining with a lot of energy and tempo in the game. Rose obviously was ridculous tonight, but on the other end Rondo almost equally as impressive. a skinny 6ī1 guy with no jump shot (the guy has hit 26 threes in 235 career games and shoots 64% from the line) shouldnīt be as effective as he is, that speaks volumes for how great he does everything else on offense.

And Tyrus Thomas being the x-factor and deciding the game, that was just not right ...

btw : Is Brad Miller officially the least athletic guy in the NBA right now ? Damn, that was ugly at times ... On the other end : What the hell happened to Marbury ? Iīm not talking about him playing bad, but him playing timid like a little kid ... He had at least 5 wide open shots or drives to the baskets that he just passed up.

And damn, here itīs 12,30 in the night and still 4 hours till the Rockets-Blazers game ...

Last edited by whomario : 04-18-2009 at 05:20 PM.
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