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Old 04-17-2009, 06:40 PM   #38
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Puyallup, WA
Originally Posted by BishopMVP View Post
So it's what, microfracture surgery or some kind of degenerative condition? Then why did they let him try to come back in the regular season? This makes no sense.

The whole thing is just strange. Doc said he looks worse now than he did 2 weeks ago, KG himself hasn't commented, Boston came out of nowhere with this news after trying to play him.

Dan Patrick said Mannix was from Sporting News, but he's from SI and the article below describes his thinking. Basically, if its really bone spurs other trainers say he should be back at some point during the postseason. If they're really shutting him down then it is probably something worse.

Said a trainer, "It's unlikely he can cause more serious damage to the knee by playing. It's just a matter of how much pain he can take."

That comment is what has people thinking its worse.
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