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Old 04-15-2009, 01:03 PM   #24
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Jacksonville, FL
Originally Posted by molson View Post
And I'm sure the that people that mock this are the same people that defend similar pointless protests on the other side.

If you don't agree with it, it's dumb to do.

It's really lame to mock people who are making a political statement, and it doesn't make you any better, or forgiveable to say, "duh...they do it too"....When we don't even know if that's true across the board, or what % we're talking about. If it's one individual person you can point to, that's one thing. But to mock the whole thing - you're just as bad as any republican who does that, and you can't see that because you're so sure you're "right".

or patriotic. I mean, you know, to dissent or voice any contradictory opinion to the Government is unpatriotic. Remember.

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