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Old 04-09-2009, 10:52 AM   #246
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Newburgh, NY
Originally Posted by Butter_of_69 View Post
I really think Dickerson is going to be better than people give him credit for in left. And Taveras came off the bench with a triple last night. I think both OF spots aside from Bruce are getting the shaft from people analyzing the team. Even Hernandez I don't think will be below average... they showed a stat last night that over the last 3 years he has the 3rd most home runs in baseball among catchers.

If the Reds can get 4-5 runs a game, they should honestly be fine. I have extreme confidence in the staff, and a bit more confidence than you in the offense.

That is NOT to say I have totally bought into this offense. Gonzalez and Hernandez could be complete crap... Dickerson could regress into his minor-league numbers, and Taveras could come up with his lovely .300 OBP number this year. Hell, even Edwin Encarnacion could fall into a slump he can't climb out of. All that happens, the Reds will be lucky to get 70 wins. I think we'll know a lot more about the individual players by the middle of May or so.

Let's look at some career numbers:

Hernandez has career numbers below league average in avg, obp, and slg.

Tavarez has career numbers below league average in obp and slg(by 100 points!)

Gonzalez has career numbers below average in avg, obp, and slg

Phillips has career numbers below league average in avg, obp, and slg(even in Cincy he's only had one year with an ops at or above league average)

Even if you project Dickerson to match his career minor league numbers he'd be below league average in avg and slg.

It's possible many of these guys will have career years and the offense will be fine, however, it's much more likely that they'll play near their career averages and the Reds' offense will suck.
To love someone is to strive to accept that person exactly the way he or she is, right here and now.. - Mr. Rogers
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