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Old 03-28-2009, 10:14 PM   #350
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Buffalo, NY
Originally Posted by molson View Post
If I encountered a black person that didn't treat me well, it would be pretty easy to just hate all black people. If I had a predisposition to hate black people, it would be even easier.

A black man murdered 4 white/hispanic cops in Oakland. Black men have committed many other crimes across the country, including high profile ones. Using the RainMaker/Jeff01/others logic in this thread, I would be completely justified in not trusting black people, assuming that they're going to mug me when I see them come down the street, etc. Maybe, if blacks can't get their shit together, facing racism is just "what happens".

Or, you could try to be a bigger person and the see the world beyond your own prejudices.

Or to be a decent human being you could see what sort of reception you DO get and react accordingly. I suspect everyone of being an utter and complete asshole, but I wait to see how they act towards me before allowing my standard gut reaction to flow into my actual in your face reaction.

People have the ability to dislike something and not act on that dislike.

I fear the Police because I've been victimized by them and am related to an ex cop who, just like the prick in this story, enjoyed the power trip and went to far. he's an EX cop because they fired him for it.

Do i immediately assume a cop is an asshole? usually, yes.

Do I act like an asshole first because of it? No, I wait and see how each individual acts to me. Its not all of one or the other Molson. We are allowed to carry our prejudices around and still base our reaction to a situation on what actually happened.

This cop is/was not acting like a cop SHOULD act towards anyone. he was on a power trip and he felt like he had to be a dick to feel special about himself. That is exactly what comes out on that video and the stories from all the sources.

Now in this economy (being a victim of a layoff) I am sympathetic to losing a high paying job, so I'm gonna step back from my real belief that he should be fired outright for even touching his weapon in this situation and hope that they demote him and stick him behind a desk for the rest of his career.
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