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Old 03-28-2009, 07:48 PM   #347
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Location: Phoenix, AZ
Originally Posted by gstelmack View Post
Sorry, thought we were switching to a more general discussion based on this. There seemed to be developing another trend of forgiving people who act like jerks to cops because they are afraid something might happen, but not offering the same courtesy to cops who are confronted with such behavior who have very short timeframes to decide if there life is being threatened. I'm tired of the double standard.

Yes, the cops should be held to a higher standard, yes this guy should have backed down late in this tape, and yes sometimes cops go on power trips, and none of that excuses people ignoring the cop's instructions and deciding they can do whatever they want.

I can only say that I've worked jobs, including an 8 year on again, off again stint in the ER. I've been paid precisely because I keep my head when things are going wrong and I'd definitely not act like they did in that situation but you know what? In doing that, I've seen how people act when they're panicked and this was nowhere near off the chain in that category. Was it a bad decision? Yep, but do they deserve any blame for that? From where I'm sitting that's like blaming the short guy who can't reach the rope to pull himself out of the well. In general, people don't perform well under extreme stress and in this case neither of them did. The difference is that one of them is paid to perform and the other wasn't.

I'm saying that what they did wasn't smart at all but I'm not going to be the guy blaming them for anything just like honestly I'm really not blaming the officer. It's not a sign of weakness to realize your own weaknesses and his came to light that night. I'd bet he'd make a decent detective though or maybe even a IA guy given his distrust for other officers. Ok, last one was a tad bit sneaky.
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