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Old 03-28-2009, 05:06 PM   #336
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Originally Posted by Schmidty View Post
I'll put the combatants in this thread into D&D terms:

One side is Lawful Neutral. They follow the law to a T, without regard for compassion or flexibility. They are always in the right because they follow a rigid code that leaves no room for personal judgement in any situation.

One side is Chaotic Good. They don't feel that the law should be more important than what they feel is just and fair. They are a bit volatile because they mean well, and follow a individual code of conduct, and that can often put them at odds with authority.

One side is Chaotic Neutral. I FUCKING HATE COPS!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

There's one between Lawful Neutral and Chaotic Good, that think that normal, rational people can use reasonable judgment and commit minor crimes on occasion without being bad people, but should still expect to be subject to police inconvenience and perhaps a small fine, understanding that since their own reason might not matter two shits to the rest of the world, a fairer system involves across the board enforcement, leaving people to make their own individual judgments about whether these tiny penalties are "worth it".
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