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Old 03-28-2009, 04:35 PM   #333
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: MA
This is a very compressed story. Yes you are going to think I'm lying or left things out, I didn't. I'll ignore you saying otherwise. I think I've gone over this in more detail before.

Couple years ago, I got pulled over accused of speeding at 120+ two weeks prior to this stop. The cop actually walked up to my window and the first words exchanged were "Are you a fucking idiot", yeah I was pretty damn confused. They towed my car pulled my license indefinitely (turned out to be 3 months) before it got to court, they can do that in MA. Depending on the outcome in court they can pull it longer and fine you.

When court day came my lawyer met with the judge, cops and DA. The judge lectured the cops for abusing their power and wasting taxpayers time and money to settle a grudge that was formed on evidence that was nothing but a make and model of car. No plates, id of driver, nothing.

So yeah, pardon me if I'm not a big fan of people who inevitably become cops. I was considering suing, but I was just glad it was over with. Hard to consult for a living without a license.

Last edited by jeff061 : 03-28-2009 at 04:37 PM.
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