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Old 03-28-2009, 09:07 AM   #322
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Location: Cary, NC
Originally Posted by Axxon View Post
And yet the vast majority manage to overcome that and act in a professional manner countless times every day. This guy couldn't.

Sorry, thought we were switching to a more general discussion based on this. There seemed to be developing another trend of forgiving people who act like jerks to cops because they are afraid something might happen, but not offering the same courtesy to cops who are confronted with such behavior who have very short timeframes to decide if there life is being threatened. I'm tired of the double standard.

Yes, the cops should be held to a higher standard, yes this guy should have backed down late in this tape, and yes sometimes cops go on power trips, and none of that excuses people ignoring the cop's instructions and deciding they can do whatever they want.
-- Greg
-- Author of various FOF utilities
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