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Old 03-27-2009, 03:05 PM   #286
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Chicago, IL
Originally Posted by Noop View Post
Rainmaker, I know countless numbers of people (both black and white) who went through that stuff. I have myself mostly because of the car I drive and how I look (dread locks and the whole urban wardrobe) so much in fact what this jackass did was pretty damn tame. Molson post an article about people celebrating about the cop but to a certain extent I can see why.

I remember when a cop got jumped in high school, the guys that did it were hailed as heroes because that cop was known to fuck with people just because. I don't condone the murder of police but in the case of the officer getting jumped, he deserved it.

I think the celebrating is bad, but I also don't know how they feel. I mean a cop did execute a kid a month or so ago and they probably see this as payback. It's wrong but what happens when cops don't eliminate their bad seeds.
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