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Old 03-27-2009, 01:12 PM   #274
College Starter
Join Date: Dec 2001
Originally Posted by molson View Post
I'm glad it worked out for you, but you defintitely took a risk with your wife's health.

No, I lowered the risk to my wife's health. The medical professionals had told me it was critical to get her to the hospital as soon as possible. When I ran the light, there was nobody within a half-mile on the cross street (Lamar) coming toward the intersection. The probability of my running the light causing an accident was essentially zero. Weighed against the factual risk to her health of any wasted time getting her medical attention, it's clear the right decision was made.

Originally Posted by DanGarion View Post
For those of you that have had wives that were having contractions, etc and took the rules of the road into your own hands (yes I'm being dramatic but that's what you did). Why did you choose to drive, instead of calling 911 and having an ambulance take her or the person in?

Because I was told to get her to the hospital as soon as possible. Not only was I quicker to the hospital than an ambulance would have been to my house, but I have since learned that ambulances don't have the necessary equipment given her situation (water's broken, infection risk, so you need a fetal monitor, etc.). Which I admittedly only assumed at the time.

Originally Posted by DanGarion View Post
Funny story. This actually happened to me when I was in high school. I was in a city I knew nothing about and pretty much lost. My friends and I had gone to a playoff football game for our HS and we were unable to find the freeway so I just started driving towards home. We were stopped at a light and all the sudden a car came up beside us and about 4 guys got out. One of the guys approached my door (my window was closed) and started telling me to roll down my window. I was extremely scared for the life of myself and my friends. (I even noticed my door was unlocked). I said screw it, looked forward for traffic and ran the light and speed off. I broke the law and honestly I would do it again, doesn't make it right, but I had to do it for the sake of not being jumped by a gang. If an officer had pulled me over for doing it I would have been happy since he probably would have saved our asses from getting jumped as well, since it would have been pretty obvious because they were out of their car. I still think about the events that took place that night and what might have happened.

I find it borderline insane that you think running the light in that situation "wasn't right". I can guarantee you that if you asked a police officer what you should do in that situation, he would tell you to take off and call the police.
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