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Old 03-27-2009, 11:05 AM   #210
General Manager
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: The Mountains
Originally Posted by Huckleberry View Post

Police Chiefs don't use language like this when they're just putting out the flames. Kunkle is pissed, and he has more information on what happened than any of us.

His #1 priority is how this impacts police interactions going forward. This stuff being blown out of proporition gives motorists a confidence and a sense of defiance when pulled over, which can lead to difficult and dangerous situations. When people feel a moral superiority over police officers in general (it doesn't take much, it's already been expressed in this thread), it emboldens them to act like punks during police interactions, because they feel any negative result must be 100% someone else's fault.

And notice the police chief seems most upset about the officer's tones and threats, which is something nobody can defend.

And police chiefs do use language like this all the time - they will almost never publicly defend an officer who has been involved in any controversial incident. That's just stupid, and dangerous. One of the most disgusting organized things I've ever seen from police is in Chicago, when they surrounded, in a show of solidarity, that officer who beat up the bartender at his court hearing. More typically, the officer who made a bad judgment is seperated until everything is resolved.

Every profession has both bad apples, and good people that make mistakes. The opportunities for mistakes in a police uniform are extraordinary. They don't get paid enough to be form a navy seal unit that acts without emotion and exhibits only perfect profesionalism.

Last edited by molson : 03-27-2009 at 11:12 AM.
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