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Old 03-26-2009, 06:49 PM   #157
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Green Bay, WI
Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA View Post
Good to know that some things are pretty universal. If you knew #3 then I'm a little surprised you didn't have some local variation on #7. And of course #4 (shoot twice) applies largely to people not animals, since the second shot usually not a clear one could damage the hide or the meat.

And I don't even hunt

#4 makes perfect sense, of course, but that's the sort of thing that gets included in the lecture when you're shooting at a police range, or facsimile thereof, not old coffee cans when you're 9 years old or whatever.

#7, eh, there might've been a local variation, but there's a lot of "guy" things in which I never really took a huge interest as a kid. Construction, auto repair, guns (beyond that one time taking potshots at a tin can with a rifle). Might they have said it? Sure. Do I remember anybody saying such a thing? Nope. Never went back to the range after that one time, either.

I remember the stuff that relates to 'surefire ways to get your (or somebody else's) ass killed,' but not much really about what to do after said ass has been dispatched.
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