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Old 03-26-2009, 03:17 PM   #92
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Location: The Mountains
Originally Posted by Huckleberry View Post
No, those peopple deserve to have their asses kicked. But any officer that kills a citizen in the future because of these clowns' behavior is even more of a thug than they are.

If it was concious, then definitely. I didn't mean to condone any "revenge" action by anyone - I was just referring to the fear and split-second reactions such things can cause.

Just as black citizens may react differently around white cops becaue of the publicity of certain news stories, so might white cops have an added fear around black citizens they come in contact with - knowing how many of them would celebrate their death.

So just like bad cops are bad beyond their crime for the collateral effects their bad acts cause, so are bad citizens bad beyond their actions against cops.

This cop sounds like he was a jerk (no cop should ever say "I can screw you over" - if that's really on the video, that alone is worthy of discipline). Front page status on though tells me people are just looking to pick fights and be mad.

Last edited by molson : 03-26-2009 at 03:23 PM.
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