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Old 03-26-2009, 08:51 AM   #20
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Minnesota
Originally Posted by Ksyrup View Post
I took the plunge last night, messed around with it for about 90 minutes. Seemed very familiar despite me not playing BBM for almost 10 years, which may be good, but might not be, I don't know. The wife and kids are heading out for Spring Break this weekend, so I'll have plenty of time to play this for the next week or so.

As far as OOTP goes, I've purchased the last couple of versions and found myself mostly using it to simulate, not play. Particularly historical sims, but even fictional ones, I've found that I don't really like OOTP as a game that I participate in so much as I like to create historical and fictional scenarios, sim them out, and examine the results. I guess that's worth paying for, but I'd also like a baseball game I can actually enjoy playing, too. I can't really explain why that is, because even when I try to "dumb down" the setup - only one minor league, no free agency (if playing an historical sim), etc. - I still don't enjoy OOTP as a game that much. I'll probably buy the new OOTP to support Marcus, but I bet I play BBM more than OOTP - although I'm sure with all the sims I'll be running, OOTP will be up and running on my computers more often than BBM.

This is the tricky part of OOTP. It has so many options its hard to know exactly what you want. I know I am always messing around with salary structure and AI evaluation methods and cant ever find the perfect blend. My least favorite part of OOTP is bizarre computer AI, athough I cut it some slack because with the depth of the game and the options available it almost seems impossible for any person to create a solid AI.

I did purchase BM10 and I did enjoy what Ive seen thus far. I still wish I knew more about the engine. When I play OOTP the games make sense and how the stats are generated make sense. When I play BM10 it still seems sometimes that the stats are generated but they dont always seem like they are produced in a "realistic" way. Its hard for me to elaborate exactly what I mean on that as even I struggle to write exactly what I mean.
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