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Old 03-07-2009, 09:55 AM   #367
Alan T
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Mass.
This thread looks like it has died out the past few months, so I figured I would revive it with my own entry to it.

I'm 6'0" and pretty much went from highschool until my late 20s weighing between 195 and 205 and being in pretty decent shape. I found a few years ago when my wife was in the hospital for a few months, that my diet and lack of exercise did me in. I went from 210 to close to 235 during that time. The worst part was I pretty much got addicted to sodas and was drinking nearly 7 or 8 20oz bottles a day while sitting there in the hospital. That habit continued for me after she got out of the hospital to the point of me having nearly 6-7 20oz bottles of soda a day while working.

I have never really been a huge snackfood person or junk food. I don't really like to eat many sweets and don't like chocolate either. After she got out of the hospital, I got back into my normal activities (playing softball, tennis, biking, etc) but the excessive amount of cokes caused my weight to increase more and more. Finally after hitting 260 I decided enough was enough.

Starting Jan 1st, I changed my behavior only slightly. I decided that I wasn't going to go on any fad diet or do anything that I would eventually get tired of. I simply decided I would cut my cokes down to only 1 20oz bottle a day (with my lunch). Plus I would start working out every morning for 30+ minutes of cardiovascular activity (in addition to my other athletic activites).

We got a wii fit but after 2 weeks of that, I pretty much stopped doing the activities on it and stick to my elliptical trainer instead. I purely use the wii fit for a scale that keeps track of my progress.

My wife is kicking my butt so far in her weight loss, in the 2 months since, she's lost about 25 pounds and is only 3 pounds away from her "target weight" of where she was when we first met, before her illness and the "baby weight". Of course she has been hard core dieting in addition to her exercise. Her main problem is right now her doctor has told her to not exercise for the next week due to an upper respiratory infection that is causing her issues (since she has long term serve lung issues now).

For myself, its been 2 months of my weight loss, and I am down from 262 to currently 239 pounds. For a total loss of 23 pounds. It is amazing how much difference simply not drinking cokes makes. My goal I guess is to try to get back to 205-210 like I was about 3 years ago. I'll try to keep this thread updated with my progress just to keep this alive
Couch to ??k - From the couch to a Marathon in roughly 18 months.

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