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Old 02-26-2009, 03:44 PM   #1723
Raiders Army
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: The Black Hole
Hey all,

Ok, I handed out endorsements last night. However, there were some potential problems and exploits that came up after the fact that is requiring a bit of thought and additional coding before we make the current items active in games.

Therefore, I've disabled the new items for today's games until we can hash those problems out. I feel this is the best plan to make sure there's no issues.

Heads up for those who received endorsements: there is a possibility we will have to remove the items if we decide to go in a different direction with the idea. However, you'll still get to keep the cash you got as part of the deal if that happens.

Thanks for your patience, everyone, and I apologize. Feel free to lend your ideas and thoughts to the suggestions forum!

Thread here (quite lengthy):
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