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Old 02-02-2009, 08:49 AM   #18
College Prospect
Join Date: Oct 2004
Not to turn this thread into a George Bush debate. Katrina was as much if not more to blame on the state of LA. The housing crisis and financial market issues go back all the way to the Carter age. He isn't the only president to blame, just the last one.

I think Bush will go down as an average president when all is said and done. I'm excited for Obama and I haven't voted democrat untill him. I've always been Libertarian or Republican. As I get older and more mature (35) now, I started to grow a "heart".

Its funny, the more money I make the more I'm ok with them taxing it. I get the fact that you have to share the wealth a bit and I'm ok with helping others.

Even as early as 5 years back I felt differently.

Anyway, I ramble.
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